Everyone knows we sell cookies in the winter, but did you know we also sell goodies in the fall?
By participating in the Fall Product Program, your Girl Scouts can start earning funds near the beginning of the membership year without having to wait for the Cookie Program! They'll be eligible for sweet rewards and exclusive program opportunities, and they'll get to practice five skills that will last a lifetime: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.
The Fall Product Program is fun, low stakes, and can be completely paperless! Check out the resources below for everything you need to get started.
Help your Girl Scout make the most of this opportunity with comprehensive tips, plus explore this year's product and rewards!
VIEW NOW!To sign your Girl Scout up for the Fall Product Program, check in with your troop leaders first to be sure your troop is participating. Then, complete the online Caregiver Agreement Form or print the downloadable form and return it to your troop fall product manager.
After completing these first steps to getting started with the program, here's what you'll need to do next:
Interested in going solo and participating as an Individual Girl Scout? Learn more!
Help them launch their first business smoothly with this guide to caregiver meetings, order taking, and finances.
VIEW NOW!Be sure that your troop has a designated troop fall product manager! This person will be the volunteer in chage of the program for the girls. They need to be registered as a Troop Assistant - Fall Product Manager and complete the online agreement form. This agreement form must be completed before access can be granted to M2, the online system needed to properly manage the Fall Product Program.
Connect with your service unit fall product coordinator to pick up your program materials prior to the start of the program in October.
Once you've completed these first steps, here's what you'll need to do next:
Did your troop early bird register for this Girl Scout membership year? If so, did you know that you can earn an extra bonus at cookie time? That's right! Troops that registered at least 5 girls and 2 leaders (or 3 girls for CSA troops) by May 31, 2024, and have at least 3 girls participate in the Fall Product Program with a PGA of 10+ items, will earn an additional $0.05 per packages sold during the 2025 Cookie Program!