As the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world, the Girl Scout Cookie Program and the Girl Scout Fall Product Program are foundational experiences during which girls learn to think like entrepreneurs and to develop vital business skills. Plus, Girl Scout Cookie proceeds power fun and enriching experiences for Girl Scout troops year-round!
Through the Girl Scout Product Programs girls gain a tremendous amount of confidence. It’s not easy to ask people to buy something—you have to speak up, look them in the eye, and believe in what you’re doing—all skills that help a girl succeed now and throughout the rest of her life.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country, with sales of more than $700 million per year for girls and their communities nationwide. The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the leading entrepreneurial program for girls: no university has produced as many female business owners as the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Council-sponsored product programs are really the best way for girls to earn money to pursue their goals: the programs are beloved by the community and come with program, sales, and marketing materials and support that help girls run a great business. They are also an integral part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. With every season of cookies, another generation of girls learns five important skills:
Looking for a quick reference for all things cookie program and fall product program? The below section has our most commonly used links and information!
It has been decades since Girl Scouts began selling home-baked cookies to raise money. The idea was so popular that, in 1936, Girl Scouts enlisted bakers to handle the growing demand. For more on Girl Scout Cookie History, take a look.
Two commercial bakers are currently licensed by Girl Scouts of the USA to produce Girl Scout Cookies—Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers—and each council selects the baker of its choice. Each baker gets to name its own cookies (which is why some cookies have two names) and gets to decide which flavors it will offer in a given year, in addition to the three mandatory flavors (Thin Mints, Do-Si-Dos®/Peanut Butter Sandwich, and Trefoils). As of 2023, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio will be using ABC Bakers for the production of our Girl Scout Cookies! For additional information on cookie varieties, including nutritional details, take a look.
After paying for the cost of cookies and materials, Girl Scout Cookie proceeds stay local and help Girl Scouts of Western Ohio provide Girl Scout programs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), the outdoors, life skills, entrepreneurship, and more—in camps, through leadership training, and multiple other ways. A portion of the proceeds is directly managed by girls, and it’s up to them to decide how to invest their troop’s share of the earnings. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio provides a breakdown of “How the Cookie Crumbles.” We invite you to share this information with customers, girls, and their caregivers so everyone’s clear on how revenue raised through Product Programs makes it possible for your Girl Scout council to serve girls. Proceeds resulting from Product Programs support program activities—in fact, council-sponsored Product Programs are a primary way in which the council raises funds to support Girl Scouting. The percentage of money to be allocated to participating groups (like yours) is determined by the council and explained to girls and adults as part of the Product Program activity orientation.
The income from Product Programs does not become the property of individual girl members. Girls, however, may be eligible for incentives and credits that they put toward council-sponsored camps, programs and programmatic materials.
Girls may earn official Girl Scout grade-appropriate rewards related to Product Program activities, and each council may choose to provide items such as participation patches, rewards, and council credit for event fees, camp fees, grants for travel and Take Action projects, as well as materials and supplies for program activities. The council plan for rewards applies equally to all girls participating in the Product Program activity.
One critical task for each troop is to keep excellent records and establish a clear accounting system for all money earned and spent. As the group’s volunteer, you’re in charge of making sure money is spent wisely, excellent records are kept (keeping copies of all receipts in a binder or folder), and all income is tracked. For older girls, your job is to oversee their work, as they learn to keep impeccable records.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program has always been about and focused on the program outcomes, through which girls learn important entrepreneurial and life skills and invest their earnings to positively affect their local communities; the Cookie Program has never been about and does not focus on individual girls’ sales results.
Each year, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio provides learning opportunities on the procedures to follow during each program. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio also establishes guidelines and procedures for conducting the program and determines how the proceeds and girl reward system will be managed. Our goal is to support girls and troops to meet their financial goals so that they can accomplish awesome things in Girl Scouts.
While the council will put into place the best practices and guidelines for the Product Programs, it’s important to be ready as a troop. Your most important role is to be a guide for your girls, helping them navigate skill-building while cheering them on to reach their goals. While we encourage all adults within the troop to support the girls’ success, each troop should identify a Troop Product Manager who will be the troop expert on the Fall Product Program and/or the Cookie Program. This position is vital to the troop’s program, and due to the level of involvement required, we highly recommend that this volunteer not also be a troop leader. Finding a volunteer who has strong organization and communication skills to be your Troop Product Manager will make it easier for your troop to navigate the Product Programs without devoting all your troop time in order to make it a success.
Underlying all the lessons that girls can learn from their participation in the Girl Scout Cookie Program is the girl-adult partnership. Ideally, this is a partnership between the girl and her leader and between the girl and her caregivers. Adult members do not sell cookies, they participate only in supporting the direct involvement of girls.
During the Girl Scout Cookie Program, the girl/adult partnership may look like this:
Girls may use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text messages, IMs, and emails as online marketing tools to let family, friends, and former customers know about the program and collect indications of interest. All are effective ways that girls 13 and older can promote Girl Scout Product Programs. Girls under 13 cannot independently set up online marketing sites. Girls under 13 can use their caregivers’ online sites with their approval and supervision.
Girls are only to use the internet to market the Girl Scout Cookie Program and Fall Product Program to friends and family (for clarity, “friends and family” are people whom the girl or her family personally know).
Additionally, families, girls, and volunteers should contact and collaborate with their councils and Girl Scouts of the USA in advance on any national news media opportunities tied to girls online marketing and sales efforts.
The following sections detail how girls can use electronic marketing, social media, and group websites to gather sale commitments from family, friends, and previous customers. But first, please keep in mind that girls:
See Chapter 7: Safety (pages 80-103), for additional information and guidance regarding online product marketing and sales.
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio may have a cookie donation program established where customers may purchase cookies for the sole purpose of having them donated to an organization coordinated by the council. This is a great talking point for girls to share with their customers and a great way to help teach girls that the Cookie Program can make a big impact in their community and to others.
Here are some things to remember about cookie donations:
It has always been the practice of Girl Scout councils and bakers to guarantee customer satisfaction with their cookies. If a customer for some reason is not satisfied with the quality of their cookies, they can contact the baker via the number printed on the side of the box of cookies. Troops/groups should notify their council if they are aware of any customer dissatisfaction.
Safety is the top priority while selling Girl Scout Cookies and other products. Volunteers, caregivers and girls should be familiar with and practice the following:
Girl Scout council-sponsored Product Programs, which include magazines, candy, and nuts, as well as cookies, give girls proven opportunities to earn money and/or credits for their Girl Scout program activities. These programs also contribute significantly to the girls’ local councils and communities through take action projects. In order to ensure the emotional and physical safety and well-being of girls, which is always a top priority in any activity, read and understand the following guidelines.
Communicate with Caregivers
Ensure that the caregivers of all girls participating in Product Programs are fully informed about the activity including the:
Arrange for Volunteer Supervision
Approved Girl Scout volunteers provide supervision and guidance for all grade levels, and must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors when they are selling, taking orders for or delivering products. Volunteers must be present at booth activities, regardless of the age of the girls (see also the section “Knowing How Many Volunteers You Need”).
Adults who oversee Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors must:
Volunteer supervision for all Girl Scouts extends to any online activity. Consult the “Computer/Online Use” Safety Activity Checkpoints for specific information about safe online practices for all activities, and to obtain a copy of the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge. If someone takes money or cookies from your booth, do not attempt to physically recover the stolen items and do not allow the girls to do so. Instead, get a good description of the offender(s), call 911, and alert local security (if applicable). Make sure girls know what to do in case of theft. Report any incidents to your local council according to its guidelines.
Plan for Safeguarding Money
Girls should always have a plan for safeguarding money, which includes such things as:
Use the Buddy System
Girls are divided into teams of two, with each girl choosing a buddy. Girls are responsible for staying with their buddy at all times and:
Cookie booths are a traditional and fun way of selling Girl Scout Cookies. Booth locations are approved by councils, facilitated within council jurisdiction and you must follow all council guidelines with regard to setting up, manning and taking down a booth. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio have established cookie booth locations (council sponsored locations); refer to your Cookie Book before planning a cookie booth of your own (non-council sponsored location).
Here are some notes about locations for a cookie booth:
Once you’ve gotten council approval, check out the booth site before the day of the sale. Talk to business owners in the area so they’ll know what to expect. Find out what security measures are in place—these may include lights for evening sales and whether a security camera watches the booth area—and where the nearest bathrooms are located. In addition, review the Girl Scout Cookie/ Council-Sponsored Product Program Safety Activity Checkpoints, as well as the Safety section of Volunteer Essentials to make sure you and the girls are as prepared as possible.
When setting up Cookie Booths, it’s important that: Two registered, and background approved volunteers are to be present at all times during a Cookie Booth.
While girls can receive cash from buyers and make change, they should hand the money to a volunteer for safekeeping. It is important that cash is kept safe and out of sight. This can be accomplished by:
Cookie booths are a traditional and fun way of selling Girl Scout Cookies. Booth locations are approved by councils, facilitated within council jurisdiction and you must follow all council guidelines with regard to setting up, manning and taking down a booth. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio have established cookie booth locations (council sponsored locations); refer to your Cookie Book before planning a cookie booth of your own (non-council sponsored location).
Here are some notes about locations for a cookie booth:
Once you’ve gotten council approval, check out the booth site before the day of the sale. Talk to business owners in the area so they’ll know what to expect. Find out what security measures are in place—these may include lights for evening sales and whether a security camera watches the booth area—and where the nearest bathrooms are located. In addition, review the Girl Scout Cookie/ Council-Sponsored Product Program Safety Activity Checkpoints, as well as the Safety section of Volunteer Essentials to make sure you and the girls are as prepared as possible.
When setting up Cookie Booths, it’s important that: Two registered, and background approved volunteers are to be present at all times during a Cookie Booth.
While girls can receive cash from buyers and make change, they should hand the money to a volunteer for safekeeping. It is important that cash is kept safe and out of sight. This can be accomplished by:
© Copyright 2009–2024 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All rights reserved. All information and material contained in Girl Scouts’ Volunteer Essentials guide (“Material”) is provided by Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) and is intended to be educational material solely to be used by Girl Scout volunteers and council staff. Reproduction, distribution, compiling, or creating derivative works of any portion of the Material or any use other than noncommercial uses as permitted by copyright law is prohibited, unless explicit, prior authorization by GSUSA in writing was granted. GSUSA reserves its exclusive right in its sole discretion to alter, limit, or discontinue the Material at any time without notice.